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  • Explore the wonders
    of Tivoli, the Superb City
  • Experience an
    extraordinary journey through
    History, Nature, and Beauty
  • Discover Tivoli and
    its Events
Tivoli, a superb city!
<span>Tivoli,</span> a superb city!
<span>Tivoli,</span> a superb city!
Welcome to


Here you will find all the information needed to best organize your visit or stay: embark on a fascinating journey through archaeology, history, places of worship, and natural landscapes in the Tivoli you wouldn't expect. Discover the baths, villas, monuments, and recommended itineraries.

Things to see

Our historical and artistic heritage

Tivoli is rich in sites of invaluable interest, such as the Acque Albule Baths and the three magnificent villas that adorn it: the spectacular Villa d'Este and the archaeological Villa Adriana, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the picturesque Villa Gregoriana managed by the FAI (the National Trust for Italy)

Two UNESCO sites

Two UNESCO sites

One FAI site

One FAI site

One termal Area

One termal Area

Things to do

Ideas and tips for discovering the most exciting activities and everything you don't know about Tivoli.


Don't miss the latest events in the area.

08 March

L’infinita Primavera della Donna

L'8 marzo ricorre la "Giornata Internazionale dei diritti della donna": quest'anno il Comune di Tivo
02 March

“Tivoli Medievale. Una città da riscoprire”

  -   Museo della Città di Tivoli
Sabato 2 marzo, alle ore 16.30, presso il Museo della Città di Tivoli sarà inaugura
19 January

Concerto Ucraina-Italia "Festa dei popoli"

  -   Convitto Nazionale “Amedeo di Savoia”  Duca d’Aosta
Venerdì 19 Gennaio 2024 presso l'Aula Magna del Convitto Nazionale “Amedeo di Savoia”  Duca
Visitors per year
Visitors per year
Discover Tivoli

An amazing journey from an unexpected perspective

"In the last few days I have been to Tivoli and I have seen one of the first wonders of nature. The waterfalls, the ruins and the overall landscape belong to those objects, the knowledge of which enriches our most inner souls."

J.W. Goethe