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Saint Sylvester's Church

Address Piazza San Silvestro
00019 Tivoli RM
Telephone 0774 318679







St. Sylvester's Church is one of the most beautiful places of worship in Tivoli. Its construction dates back apparently to the 11-12th century. It is linked to Pope Sylvester, appointed by Emperor Constantine to turn the papal basilicas into Christian buildings.

Originally characterized by three naves with two rows of 12 marble columns, the first row was later bricked and the second row sold. Now it has a Romanesque style with a facade decorated with a portal with architrave and three central windows. This place, much loved by the people of Tivoli, is often chosen as the venue for weddings and other celebrations. Inside the Church of St. Sylvester there are well-preserved frescoes dating back to the 12th century. The iconography of the apse fresco at the top shows "Christ who gives the roll of the law to St. Peter". In the lower part there are scenes from the life of St. Sylvester connected with the conversion of Emperor Constantine.



How to reach it





affresco dell'abside