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St. Lawrence's Cathedral

Indirizzo Piazza del Duomo 00019 Tivoli (RM)






St. Lawrence's Cathedral or Duomo of Tivoli is the ultimate religious expression of the city. It was erected in the middle Ages in the historic centre of the city just a few steps from the "Mensa ponderaria" (Weights and measures bench).

The Cathedral is renowned for its beautiful Romanesque bell tower, 45 meters high, that dominates the square below. According to a legend, it was built by Emperor Constantine, apparently over the ruins of the ancient Forum Tiburtino. The original apse is still visible on the outside of the religious building. Inside the cathedral there are three masterpieces: the "wooden group of the Deposition of Christ from the Cross", masterpiece of Romanesque art dating from the thirteenth century and preserved in the fourth chapel on the right aisle; the "Silver Case" of the fifteenth century; and the "Trittico del Salvatore - Triptych of the Redeemer" depicting Christ, the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist, dating from the twelfth century and kept in the third chapel on the left aisle.




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